
VEVOR Women Patient Care Multifunctional Nursing Training Manikin the Didactic Material in PVC Plastic Medical Teaching Model

366.11 $

554 in stock

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Mainland China


Medical Science





Nursing Type

26 Kinds

Product Size


Manikin Model Gender



12kg / 26LB



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Features & Details

【PRODUCT DETAILS】- This women patient care manikin is 46 x 18 x 11 in size and comes with pajamas. Vivid and high simulation of human body structure, essential parts like head and limbs are all incorporated to satisfy your needs of giving a study, or research.

【HIGH-QUALITY MATERIAL】- Made from unsurpassed PVC plastic, our injection teaching model not only has a good corrosion resistance but is also odorless and accessible for cleaning.

【PERFECT FLEXIBILITY】-The breast model for teaching is fixed by rubber band joint in limb tension. Joints bend flexibly from left to right and top to bottom.

【MAIN COMPONENTS】- As central components of the school anatomy model, injection pads, plastic bottles and catheters make significant contributions to 26 kinds of practice, such as blood transfusion training and intramuscular injection.

【WIDE APPLICATION】- This women manikin model is the latest practical multifunctional nursing training model. Perfect for nursing colleges, research centers, etc.

Key Features

Life-like Workmanship

Designed accords with womens physiological features, this model highly simulates real womens bodies 46 x 18 x 11 in size. E.g., Eyes are made of liquid crystal analog pupil, which imitate human-looking.

Superior PVC Plastic

Our product is composed of soft and half-hard, high-quality PVC plastic. The whole model is light-weight 27 lbs and non-deformation, which enjoys a prolonged service life.

Flexible Bending

All carefully-made joints are movable, and the waist can be bent either. This model comes in integrity—no need for assembly. Just open the box and directly use it.

Injection Pads & Plastic Bottles

Injection pads big and small provide sites for injection and puncture operations. At the back of small pads are plastic bottles into which liquid can be put to demonstrate phlebotomy.

Powerful Catheters

With catheters, PVC plugs and other accessories, users are capable of finishing 26 kinds of practice, such as bone marrow biopsy, lumbar puncture, hip muscle injection, abdominal puncture, etc.

Diverse Uses

Essential for laboratories, institutions, etc. Universally used for teaching AIDS, human research and professional communication.

Women Patient Care Manikin

This is a professional patient care women manikin for teaching & training students operation of clinical care. It is a necessity for nursing colleges, laboratories, institutions, etc. High simulation, vivid and flexible, this model is used to help obtain professional nursing knowledge. Thus it increases the understanding & operation of care.

Product Details
High-Quality Material
Perfect Flexibility
Main Components
<!–Package Content
–> Specifications

Material: PVC Plastic

Manikin Model Gender: Women

Nursing Type: 26 Kinds

Weight: 27 lbs 12 kg

Item Size: 46 x 18 x 11 116×45×27 cm

Package Content

1 x Women Patient Care Manikin

1 x Nursing Practice Accessory Kit

1 x User Manual


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